3 Quick views about the Blockchain Technology and Developer Skills needed

Mohamed Ben Hajla
2 min readMar 28, 2019


With this short post including 3 simple infographics, i wanted to give developers a quick overview of some key points they will encounter, when starting to explore the Blockchain technology:

  • 4 new building Blocks for a decentralized Web
  • 4 differences between a decentralized Application (DApp) and a traditional web Application
  • 5 skills you need to build as a developer of Blockchain and decentralized Applications

The infographics are built based on public Blockchains like Ethereum, which is still the most popular platform for decentralized Applications.

Public Blockchains will be in fact the driving force in the new Architecture of a decentralized Web. Private & On-Premise chains adopted by Business, although very important in the corporate World, will not be the main power behind a new decentralized Web.

4 building Blocks of a decentralized Web

Blockchain & the decentralized Web

4 differences between a decentralized Application (DApp) and a traditional web Application

decentralized Application ( DApp) vs Web Application

5 skills you need to learn as a developer of Blockchain and decentralized Application

Skills you need as a Blockchain Developer


Although it is still in the early days of a decentralized web and Blockchains, and a lot of Building blocks are not yet here, but one thing is for sure “changes come always gradually, but then suddenly”.

So if you’re a developer looking for new challenges, there is much to learn and explore about the Blockchain technology and their impact on the upcoming decentralized architecture of the Web.

Visit us also on SmartSkills.io for Blockchain Events and Workshops.



Mohamed Ben Hajla

IT-Trainer & Consultant | Life Long Learner | Self-employment | Self Development